You are a member of and are looking for an expert in a field you are not so familiar with?
No problem, because the game developers in NRW help each other and offer support in the following areas:
Field of Marketing / Communication / Pitching
- PR / Marketing Europe (incl. Influencer and Ingame Advertising)
- PR / Marketing America
- PR / Marketing Asia
- Pitching and Presentations
- Establish Contact to Publishers
Field of Rights / Contracts / Financing
- Company Foundation
- Contract with Publishers
- Crowdfunding and Kickstarter
- Licensing Law
- Questions About Funding in NRW
- Questions About Youth Media Protection in Germany
Field of Development / Technology
- Creation of Vision Statements
- Creation of Game Design Documents
- Choice of Engine
- Installation of Sound and Music
- Network Programming
- Project Planning, Project Management, Producing
Write a mail to “”, naming the area where you are looking for support and formulating your question.
We will treat your request confidentially and forward it to our expert contact. They will then contact you to get you started and give you feedback and tips.
If we have not covered the area you need help with here, just write “Other” in the subject line. This also applies to comments and feedback.
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